Outfit for books and bubbles finally sorted - had session with clothes stylist in posh North Shore clothing store specialising in garments that can be worn several different ways, lots of draping, tying and such like.
Clothes lovely but I am midget - still waiting to grow legs. Instead of looking like catwalk model looked just looked like cat tangled up in bundle of rags.
Session not total washout as concluded I look better with edges - tailored clothing rather than floaty drapey stuff I so admire.
Looked in own wardrobe and dug out black dress, teamed with lovely new cardie bought on sale previous week and fish net tights... thought it was OK.
Hair no longer looking like fright wig either - much improved.
Kerre Woodham was MC in Amazing silk dress from World, Fab, V.V. expensive shoes and had special hair appointment for event... It was all very nicely done, with nibbles and such like.
Laughed so much during Kerre's bits, looked like I was having seizure. She is very funny, there is nothing, absolutely nothing she wont share with 350 total strangers. If you get the chance to go to one of these nights, even if you don't like authors, its worth it for laughs.